Singing Guide: The Brooklyn Bridge

Singing Guide: The Brooklyn Bridge

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn how to sing like the Brooklyn Bridge, you need to investigate their unique vocal techniques and the songs that showcase them. The Brooklyn Bridge is known for their remarkable harmonies and for blending pop tunes with rock and roll.

To start, you’ll need to analyze the band's style and learn how their voices interact. This article offers some great tips on how to analyze your voice like a singer, while this article provides key information on vocal types, which can help you understand the nuances of the band.

One of the key elements in singing like the Brooklyn Bridge is breath control and support. Proper breathing techniques serve as the foundation for great singing. This article will give you tips on how to breathe during singing, while this article offers a detailed description of voice registers and the vocal break.

In order to sing like the Brooklyn Bridge, you'll want to focus on keeping your mouth and throat open while singing to promote good sound and control. This article discusses the importance of an open mouth and throat for singing.

Additionally, you should practice finding songs that suit your vocal range. Singing Carrots has an extensive database of songs that you can search by vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference. Check out their song search tool! The Brooklyn Bridge was known for their covers of pop hits, so try to find songs that combine their unique style with your unique voice.

Finally, building a strong musical foundation is always key for success. If you're interested in some of the band's more contemporary vocal techniques, Singing Carrots provides resources to help you sing like a professional. Check out this vocal training game for pitch training, this article on heavy modal, twang, and belting techniques for contemporary vocalists, and this exercise on singing with vibrato.

With these tips and tools, you can learn how to sing like the Brooklyn Bridge, and put your own unique spin on their signature sound.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.